Frequently asked questions

Q : Do I need a doctor’s referral ?

No, you can contact us directly with any communication concerns. However, we do accept GP referrals.

Q : Why choose a private practice ?

It gives us the freedom to evaluate and design personalised treatment plans that are exactly what each adult or child needs at that particular moment in time. We offer you an on demand service over the short or long term with no waiting lists.

Q : How many sessions do I have to commit to ?

None. Contact us first for a free consultation. This will involve you sharing your concerns and the therapist explaining what services are available and appropriate for you, whether that’s an assessment, a family education session or therapy. Everyone will be different. Depending on the nature and complexity of the communication difficulty, we will decide together how many sessions you would like to commit to and what that will involve.

Q : What if I am on the wait list for a HSE service ?

If you previously had speech therapy or are waiting for more, that is no problem. We encourage you to share any previous assessments, reports or therapists contact details to ensure we know what has been implemented and allow for a seamless treatment program.

Q : What does a speech therapist do ?

Speech and Language Therapists are trained professionals. They assess, diagnose, and treat people with a wide range of communication difficulties. They support people to maximise their communication potential in order to progress in education, social interactions and everyday tasks.

click her for adult services click here for children services

Q : How do I know if a speech and language therapist is fully qualified ?

All speech and language therapists working in the Republic of Ireland are required to be registered with CORU (regulating health and social care profressionals). You can check the registration status of your speech and language therapist on the CORU website here. It is also best practice to be a member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT). We are registered with both CORU and IASLT.

Q : What can I expect from an initial assessment ?

At the first appointment we will assess concerns, take a detailed case history and informally assess the client through observation, play and conversation. A more in-depth standardised assessment may be required, this could take place over a second visit if necessary. After this your therapist will review your results, provide a written report and verbal feedback in person or over the phone outlining the steps they suggest. This could be 1:1 sessions, group sessions or work to do at home with fortnightly or monthly reviews.

Q : What if I have recently had a formal standardised assessment with a written report ?

If you were recently assessed in a hospital or rehabilitation centre there is more than likely no need for another one. Please inform us if this is the case and we can arrange an initial consultation at a reduced price. Sharing the written report with us can help us to plan.

Q : What else does your work involve ?

With your permission, we can liaise with teachers and other health professionals that may be involved (eg: occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists etc), and other family members that support you. This helps us discover our clients strengths and areas of need in different environments. The more comprehensive the information the more dynamic our communication assessment.

How do I make an appointment ?

Contact us

How much will it cost ?

Price List

What ages do you support ?

Adults Children

How long is a session ?

Therapy (45-60 mins) Assessment can be longer